Suplimente online Prostar 100% Whey 2.3 kg

Energy 120 kcal
Protein  25 gr
Carbohydrate  2 gr
 Of which sugar  1 gr
Fat 1 gr
 Of which saturated  0,5 gr
Fiber  0 gr
Sodium  0,03 gr
Amino acid profile
L-leucine 3192 mg
L-isoleucine 1540 mg
L-valine 1275 mg
L-lysine 2568 mg
L-threonine 1044 mg
L-methionine 512 mg
L-phenylalanine 960 mg
L-tryptophan 636 mg
L-arginine 455 mg
L-aspartic acid 2565 mg
L-cysteine 920 mg
L-alanine 1262 mg
L-glutamic acid 4216 mg
L-glycine 473 mg
L-histidine 512 mg
L-proline 1033 mg
L-serine 977 mg
L-tyrosine 860 mg


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